Google tests Project Relate, a voice recognition and synthesis app

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    Google tests Project Relate, a voice recognition and synthesis app for people with speech impairments

    Google is looking for help developing an Android app aimed at providing more communication options for people with speech impairments. Project Relate, as the effort and app is now called, will provide voice transcription and synthesis that could make it easier for users to be understood.

    The project is descended from Project Euphonia, which we covered back in 2019 when it was first announced and later when the company published some of its research. The effort was spearheaded by Google research scientist Dimitri Kanevsky, who himself has impaired speech and brought firsthand knowledge to the AI-based solution. Now one of the project’s main partners and users of the app is Aubrie Lee, who’s on the marketing team there (she named the app) and due to muscular dystrophy has trouble being understood by both other people and apps.

    Google tests Project Relate, a voice recognition and synthesis app for people with speech impairments

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